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MAY 2019
Artwork and Design by UMGJ.
Concept and Product by TSUN
A vector graphic is a computer science term established by Ivan Sutherland in 1963. He is a pioneer in computer graphics. Long before Zummaz has a chance to implicate this method to create streetwear art, it was utilized in civil and military air control to mapping airlines for proper traffic journeys.
A critical visual element for product positioning.
Good branding is not only provided visual attractiveness but also express it’s personality to the audience

Expression of typography
Every text has its own meaning and expression. The meaning is like a soul of the text, where it’s simply what the text is for, while it can express a million ways on the different font, layout, color, intention, etc. Thus calligraphy is the art of dissembling to the original arrangement of the text and put it again in a distinctive manner

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